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HydraFacial in Raritan, New Jersey

Instant Non-Surgical Facelift

Service Overview

PDO THREAD LIFTS in Raritan New Jersey

You don’t have to resort to drastic measures like surgery to rejuvenate your skin! PDO Thread Lifts, a cutting-edge, nonsurgical solution for skin rejuvenation, is now an option here at Juvon Skincare & Wellness Center in Raritan New Jersey.

Sagging skin is one of the common signs of aging, particularly after the age of 30. PDO threads are FDA-cleared sutures that act as a scaffolding system beneath the skin, lifting and tightening sagging facial tissues. These threads are naturally absorbed by the body over time. PDO threads deliver immediate results by lifting and supporting sagging tissue, and also stimulating collagen production, promoting long-term improvements as well. The procedure can target areas such as the jawline, cheekbones, and other body areas. Discover the transformative power of PDO threads at Juvon Skincare & Wellness Center, NJ.



V-shaped & Contoured Cheekbones

Defined Facial Features like Jawline

Contoured Cat Eye

Smoother Necklines & Smile Lines


PDO Thread Lift Treatment

Firm & tight skin

Correction of volume loss

Reduced fine lines and wrinkles

Reduced sagging skin and lifted brows

Non-Surgical Face Lift Alternative

Collagen & elastin production

Minimal downtime

Immediate face contouring



Patients seeking firmer, rejuvenated appearance due to sagging skin

  • Improvement occurs gradually as the thread dissolves, prompting the body to generate new collagen, elastin, and fibrin. Initial results typically become noticeable within four weeks, reaching their peak at four to six months. Optimal outcomes are achieved through a series of 2-3 treatments spaced 4-6 weeks apart.

PDO thread Treatment involves minimal pain and minimal downtime. Numbing is provided. 

The procedure involves lifting loose skin and sagging facial contours to achieve a V-shaped face using PDO threads. The 45–60-minute procedure results in a visible lift, which becomes more pronounced over time.

PDO thread lifts can be used to lift and tighten various areas of the face, including the brows, cheeks, jawline, and neck. They can also be used to improve the appearance of sagging skin on the body, such as the arms, abdomen, and buttocks.

PDO threads are inserted under the skin using a fine needle or cannula. Once inserted, they provide support to the underlying tissue, lifting and tightening the skin. Over time, the threads stimulate collagen production, which further improves skin elasticity and firmness.

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